Helen Arjmandi, a versatile artist, specializes in Persian Illumination, Naghashi-Khat, calligraphy, and photography. Her unique style artfully blends traditional and contemporary methods to create elaborate, vivid compositions that embody unity, harmony, and a deep connection to nature.
Growing through barbed wires “Harmonious new growing of flowers creates opening in the bed of barbed wires and reaches the blue sky. The thorns of the once oppressing barbed wires, turn into frames protecting the new growing. It reminds me of the people who are oppressed around the world and their freedom comes when they overcome their differences and act based on a collective awareness. The eight pointed flowers are a symbol of resurrection and spiritual forces. By repeating the pattern, I wanted to emphasis the importance of harmonious growth and enlightning one another “
The eight pointed star appears in spiritual traditions from many different cultures across the globe. It first appeared in Islamic art in the Middle Ages, referred to khatam-sulayman, meaning “seal of the prophets” or the seal of Solomon. In Judeo-Christian the number eight frequently represents beginnings, resurrection, salvation and super-abundance. The ‘rose’ in the middle which also has 8 points, symbolizes fertility. The layers of 8 pointed shapes from the center to the outside represents that higher spiritual and natural forces, control the lower realms of Matter.
“This is my retreat corner, where I can connect to the inner forces that unite me with the beauty and harmony of Mother Nature. It helps me to regain my balance. Throughout working on this piece, I wanted each color and pattern to please and harmonize thoughts and energize hearts. My Reflection Bower is in a constant dance.” Helen Arjmandi